"Italian Escapade" from June 17-30,2001 (i937-366)
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Welcome To the Homepage for the Insight Tour "Italian Escapade" from June 17-30,2001 (i937-366) directed by Mr. Craig Sunney. INSIGHT TOURS, and especially Craig, truly gave us all great "insight" into Italy and provided a wonderful experience for everyone on board, young and older alike. If your brain and body feel refreshed after a "workout" that begins with the 6AM wake-ups and ends with an evening stroll (passageria?), then this is the tour for you. It was for us all.
These are some of our "memories" that were captured for all of the new friends we made from all over the world :Canada, the US, South Africa and Australia. This was a free bonus we did not expect.
Enjoy our trip together.
Chuck Parr- chuck.parr@ricoh-usa.com


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